Tulsidas Ramcharitmanas why famous Know the reason according to shastrarth

Tulsidas Ramcharitmanas why famous Know the reason according to shastrarth

Since the inauguration of Ram temple in Ayodhya on 22 January 2024 and the consecration of Ramlala, the whole of India has become Rammay. In this perspective, we will try to understand the popularity of Ramcharitmanas.

According to Kalyan Ramayana number, all the works in the world are done for some purpose or the other. Goswami Tulsidas ji has written the reason for the creation of Ramcharitmanas: –
Swantah Sukhay Tulsi Raghunathgatha-Language Nibandhamatimanjulamatnoti.

Poetry is composed for fame, for earning money, for destroying evil and for preaching. But here the purpose is only the happiness of one’s conscience, which is called Para-Nirvritti in Sanskrit, but Goswamiji says one more thing later –
“Baron Raghubar Bisad Jas Suni Kalikalush Nasay.”

Meaning:- The atrocities of time can be stopped by listening to the fame of Ram.

The main purpose of Goswamiji is- my mind became enlightened (According to your wisdom), because Ram-Katha ‘Nij deh moh-am-irni’ (to clear your doubts) and ‘Bhavsarita Tarni’ (To cross the worldly ocean). The surprising thing is that how Goswami ji’s selfishness proved the welfare of the world? What we understand is that he carefully observed all the prevalent religions of his time. The path he found for his own satisfaction became the path of religion for the world. The juice extracted by churning ‘Nanapuran Nigamagam’ (the knowledge that came from the mouth of Shiva and reached the ears of Girija or the essence of all the scriptures based knowledge from the mouth of the Goddess) became the chemical for India.

Everyone with different interests got enthralled after drinking this Sudharsa. Shaivites and Vaishnavas who used to fight with each other, everyone liked this rasa. It is worth considering what was there in it. In this book, the favorite deities of all sects have been respected. In our Sanatan Dharma, there is a method of worship of Panch (five) Gods (Shiva, Vishnu, Devi, Ganesha and Surya). Tulsidas has praised all this in his book.

To understand the work of any poet, there is a great need to know the country and condition of the poet’s time. He says so many things which are timely and cannot be understood without knowing the history of that time. Goswami ji did one thing “Meenaki is like the itch of leprosy in the darkest days and roots.”

To understand this one has to take refuge in history. The explanation of this line is very interesting. For this, we quote the translation of an excerpt from the notes of Sir George Grierson, a well-known scholar of language and lover of psychology. ‘During the lifetime of Tulsidasji, Shanaishchar (influence of Shani Dev) entered Pisces twice, first in Chait Sudi 1 Samvat 1640, which lasted till Jyeshtha Samvat 1642 and second time in Chait Sudi 2 Samvat 1666. This time ‘Meen Ki Sanichari’ lasted till Jeshtha No. 1671, and in this Sanichari, the atrocities against other communities had increased a lot in Banaras.

Mainly these 3 people became the center point of Tulsidas Ramayana composition: –

(1) Vedanta of Adi Shankaracharya- According to today’s calculations, Adi Shankaracharya was born in the ninth century of Vikram Samvat. He has written a commentary on Vedanta (Badarayana) Sutra which ‘Shankar Bhashya’ Is famous by the name of. In its second chapter he has refuted the prevalent religions of his time. Swami Shankaracharya had defeated the Buddhists and driven them out of India. His teachings have a great influence on Hindu religion even today. There were many followers of this belief during the time of Goswami ji.

Therefore, the first religion, whose essence was considered appropriate to try, was Shankar’s Vedanta and in order to bring Vedanta into the description of Ramcharit, Shankar Girija’s dialogue was added to it, or rather it should be said that the description of Ramcharit told that the devotees of Shri Ram There is only one Shankar. Swami Shankaracharya is also considered to be an incarnation of Shankar. For this reason, Shankar’s Vedanta was put into the mind through Shankar’s mouth. Readers of Manas who are familiar with Vedanta will see the principles of Vedanta word by word in the dialogue of Girija-Shankar. The essence of Vedanta present in the mind is more in the form of Shankaracharya Bhashya Vedanta.

(2) Srivaishnava sect of Ramanuja (Lakshmana): – The second opinion which was very popular during Goswami ji’s time was that of Swami Ramanuja. The sect of Swami Ramanuja is called Sri Sampradaya. Sri Lakshmanji is a supporter of this sect in Ramcharitmanas. In confirmation of our imagination, we quote an excerpt from the commentary of Munshi Sukhdevlal ji (he has contributed immensely to the Hindi language) –

“Bandaun Lachiman Pad-burns. Sital Sukdha Makk-Happiness-giver. Raghupati Kirati Bimal Pataka. Punishment is like Jas Jaka.”
“Ta Pacha Shri Urmila – I bow to the lotus feet of my husband Lakshmanji, who are very cool and beautiful and give joy to the devotees.”

“Karpoorgauravpusham Sharadinduvaktran-
Pitambaram Sarsijakshamanantamadim. Yashcharmilalalit Bhushanbhavitangam- Ramanujan Bhaj Manobhaydam Nijanam.

“Look at the bright flag of Shri Ramchandra’s fame whose fame is in the form of a punishment i.e. Lakshmanji’s entire courage is only for the rise of Ram’s glory, see the protection of Yagya and the theater and the arrival of Parashuram. It is like this in all the Kandas and in all the four Yugas. Look, in Satyayuga, being Anantavatar, he sang only the praises of God from his thousands of mouths and in Dwapar Ramavatar, the killing of demons and the description of Jamuna and Hastinapur etc. are only for the sake of attaining God. The future is written in Padmapuran-

“The world full of hypocrites and evil-minded people. Kalau Vaishnav principles are being revived.

Meaning- When the hypocrisy of Jain, Buddhist, Charvak, etc. will spread in Kaliyuga and instead of evil vision, it will spread throughout the world, then Vaishnav principles will be saved.

“Anantam Prathame Yuge Dwitiye Lakshmanam Tath. Tritiye Balaramsch Kalau Ramanujo Yeti.”

“Meaning that in Satyayuga, there were eternal devotees and in Treta, Lakshmana and in Dwapar, Baldev slept, in Kaliyuga, Shri Lakshmanji will be yeti.”

Yeti (sage or Avadhuta)
Hey Swami Ramanuja’s followers spread the worship of Shri Ram-Janaki at least in the South and even today many Ram-Janaki temples in India are under the control of this sect.

(3) Swami Ramanand’s sect: – The third opinion is of Swami Ramanand. Swami Ramanand was born in Prayagraj in Samvat 1400 Vikrami. Swami Ramanand thought that work cannot be done without the salvation of Shudras, this is the need of the hour. He said to all the Shudra brothers, “The main food of this India is not meat (which our Shudra brothers used to eat at that time), here so many types of grains and delicious fruits have been invented that even without eating meat, people can become the best. Can eat food and remain healthy.”

Swami Ramanand ji further says, “If you stop eating meat and tie your knot, then we will feed you in our queue.” One of his main disciples was Raidas Shudra. Not only this, he also made Kabir Julahe his disciple. He taught that there is no need to think about ethics when there is devotion at the feet of Ram-Janaki. Everyone has the right to this devotion.

Whose beloved is Ram Baidehi. Ignore them even if you are a million enemies, but not a lover.

Meaning:- Those who do not like Ram, they should be considered as crores of enemies and should be shunned.

In Manas, Bharat is the replacement of Swami Ramanand. Goswami ji belongs to the Ramanandi sect and he clearly says at the end of the Ayodhya incident that-

From Kalikaal Tulsi, Sthan faces stubborn Ram.
Which means that the teachings of Swami Ramanand made me a devotee of Raghunath ji. This makes it clear that Tulsidas ji belonged to the Ramanand sect.

Ramanand sect propagated Ramcharitmanas the most, after that all sects started considering Manas as divine scripture. Kalpatri ji has also described Ramcharitmanas as the main one. Along with this, a reputed publication also has a huge contribution, they promoted Ramcharitmanas across the country and it became the best selling book. In Manas, Tulsidas ji not only based Valmiki Ramayana but also took the help of other Ramayana and Puranas, it is the gist of almost all the scriptures.

According to Swami Anjani Nandan Das of Ramanand sect, “If you have read the complete Ramcharitmanas, it means that you have read the complete Vedanta.”

read this also: Ayodhya: How far did Ramrajya spread, know the geographical boundaries of Ramrajya according to the scriptures

[नोट- उपरोक्त दिए गए विचार लेखक के व्यक्तिगत विचार हैं. यह ज़रूरी नहीं है कि एबीपी न्यूज़ ग्रुप इससे सहमत हो. इस लेख से जुड़े सभी दावे या आपत्ति के लिए सिर्फ लेखक ही जिम्मेदार है.]

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